Symposia: Winter Edition, 2021

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Empirical Papers

The Yale Undergraduate Research Journal is calling for submissions!

COVID-19 has disrupted research at Yale, and students have lost countless opportunities to present, discuss, and receive feedback on years of work. If you want your research project to be constructively evaluated by graduate students and professors or published online and in print for the Yale community, submit your work to the Yale Undergraduate Research Journal (YURJ)!

YURJ is Symposia's counterpart and the only journal that covers the academic breadth of student research at Yale. Submissions are given comprehensive feedback by experts in your field and evaluated for publication on our website and in a physical edition (with free copies provided for authors).

It's free to submit, and we are looking for any research done by Yale undergrads, including senior theses, course assignments, and independent projects. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at with any questions. 

Submissions are due January 8th, 2021!